1803-A State Route 34
Wall, NJ 07719-9109
Hotline: 609-242-8880
Copyright © 2006 [Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club]
Located on the grounds of
Work Detail
Call Shawn Carr,
Home: 732-987-9402
Cell: 732-552-5250
Work Detail Tasks:
- Blue and white flags along fence
- racing flags out by flag stand
- corner workers vest and gloves
- radios (race director, line-up board, flagger, ambulance)
- American and GSQMRC flags
- 2 blue pit carts trackside
- Pick up garbage laying around
Please make sure you find a replacement if you cannot keep your date.
May 13th & Aug 26th May 20th & Sept. 16th June 3rd & Sept. 22nd
Michael Ferrara Anna Krum Ken Kwiecinski
Jim Flagg Billy Krum James Lake
Sebastian Font Gary Kellstrom Chris Laureigh
Brian Hawkins Lou Keraitis Larry Mandato
June 10th & Sept. 23rd June 17th & Sept. 30th June 24th & Oct. 7th
William Marr Craig Nodine Dave Reinhardt
Michael McDonnell Glenn Osborn Erik Richards
Greg Michales Rob Page Phil Peroni
Ray Moser

Pat Runo

Dave Schooley
July 1st & Oct. 21st July 8th & Oct. 28th July 15th & Nov. 3rd
William Schwarz George Steuber Ron Weir
Rob Silver Frank Thissen Wayne Wilson
Glenn Slocum Fran Vreeland Thomas Woolverton
Paul Spernal Marko Vuksanic Anna Krum
Aug. 5th Sept. 9th & Nov. 4th Aug. 12th
Russ Bailey Dave Hopkinson Shawn Cahill
Stephen Bertino Robert Hyer Darrell Carr
George Bock Joe Jarowicz Shawn Carr
Bob Burd Ken Class
Aug. 19th
Chris Dedea
John Delaney
Tim Doll
Jack Ely