1803-A State Route 34
Wall, NJ 07719-9109
Hotline: 609-242-8880
Copyright © 2006 [Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club]
Tech Update
February 17, 2005
Hi Everybody,
Wanted to give everybody a Follow up on the Honda 160 Model Number Change. I have been in contact with Honda and Dave King. Honda small engines have for the most part been built in Japan over the years. Honda has now built a new state of the art building in Thailand to handle the Honda small engine department. They moved all the small engine production to Thailand except the gear reduction engines like we use (GX120 & GX160)
They have decided to change the middle letter of the Model number to signify where the engine was built. GX160K1HX2 is our model number now. They are now changing the model # as they are being produce now to GX160J1HX2. The “K1” was the old model designation. The new ones are “J1” which means the engine is still produce in Japan. When the model # changes to a “T1” that means the engine is being produced in Thailand. I was told the GX120 Engine model numbers will follow the same procedure. The engines are the same – I was told there are no internal or external differences except the model #. BOTH “K1” AND “J1” ENGINES WILL BE LEGAL.
Glenn Lewis
National Tech Director