1803-A State Route 34
Wall, NJ 07719-9109
Hotline: 609-242-8880
Copyright © 2006 [Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club]
QMA Membership Renewal Announcement
If you were not at the meeting and need a membership form, please contact Tammy Laureigh.
Any driver that is retiring this year, must send Tammy a written letter to keep in the GSQMRC files. You can do this by e mail.
When filling out the QMA membership form and returning it to the club, please be sure to check for the following:
- Signature on the front AND back of the application (the signature on back must be done separately and on all 4 copies)
- Please be sure that both parents signature is on the K&K form
If you are a new member, the following items are needed with your application:
- 1 X 1 photo of anyone on the form 16 or older (not a photo of the driver)
- Birth Certificate of driver(s)
- Please do not date application