1803-A State Route 34
Wall, NJ 07719-9109
Hotline: 609-242-8880
Copyright © 2006 [Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club]
Information to all members who could not make it to our meeting on Oct 20th:
November 17th is our mandatory meeting 7:30pm at Knights of Columbus in Neptune .
- Membership forms and K+K ins forms to be filled out
- Voting for 2006 Race Director
- Ballot on website for those who cannot make this mandatory meeting
- $75.00 fine for those unexcused for not attending
- Grands info will be discussed
- New by laws will be discussed
Treasurers Report- Bob Burd
- Possible Club Credit card, Dave Hopkinson uses own.
- Members asking for sub-categories on treasurers report (more in detail)
Tech – Rick Mauriello
- Discussion of new class added
Tower – Laurie Hopkinson
- Radios not working properly, D. Reinhardt may have someone to loan us radios for time being
- Looking for new head of tower for 2006
Special Activities – Dawn Bolen
- trick or treating at track/trailers
- Woodlake Country Club on Feb 4, postcards for reminders will be sent out
- Please turn in driver info to Anna Krum
- Gifts for eligibility see Tammy Laureigh. Must have raced 50% to be eligible.
Yearbook – Kim Page
- Turn in all drivers information and drivers pages ASAP
- Candy fundraiser for yearbook
Safety – Heisler
50/50 – Usually goes to trophies, but when ambulance is at the track so long, we give the extra to them. Trying to keep our days to 8 hours max.
Sign Ins
- Donna Silver may take over for 2006.
- Smile. First Impressions mean a lot!
Flagging – Sebastian Font
- Any one who wants to learn to flag please step forward and talk to Sebastian.
- N. Barzee – did flagging for last yr Grands – Just suggesting
Work Detail – Dave Hopkinson
- Tevo – Digital Recorder for instant replay (getting information and costs)
- Closing of track will be announced
- Nominations for 2006 Race Directors are: Dave DeVault and Wayne Wilson
- Club questions are to be directed to the appropriate person in charge
- We need more good volunteers
- National judging video to be available soon
- Carolina Fall Ntl’ deadline to register is 11-9-05 see http://www.ncqma.com/
- Children please use manners towards others
- Scales – No driving over scales from off the race track. The winner of the last race must pull the tires across and fasten them to fenced area.
- If caught driving up onto scales there will be a week suspension issued. Please do not play in this area also!
- Season result plaques $40.00 to GSQMRC 1-15-06 Deadline (See Website)
Grands – Jeri LaMothe
- Artwork to be submitted before 2-15-06
- Next meeting in tower on Thursday Nov 10 at 6:30pm
Please take notice to anyone who may be turning 9 in the near future and moving their child up to Senior.