1803-A State Route 34
Wall, NJ 07719-9109
Hotline: 609-242-8880
Copyright © 2006 [Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club]
March 2006 Newsletter
Next meeting: Sun. Feb. 19th at Mandatory Track Work Detail
Dear Garden State Members,
This will be a very busy month for us since it is truly the month that our racing season begins. Please be aware of the mandatory work detail on the 19th, the Flea Market on the 25th and the open practice on the 26th. If you do not make the work detail on the 19th, you will not be able to practice on the 26th. Please be sure to get in touch with Dave Hopkinson with any problems.
The Grands plans are in full swing and we already have almost 350 cars registered. We still need plenty of help and all club members are required to be on a committee and work to help the week of the Grands.
For our new-comers: please be advised that you must run a States race to qualify for the Grands. If not, you must pay 150 dollars hardship fee per car. The Region 2 States Race is in Syracuse.
We welcome all the new novices this year and look forward to meeting you and making you part of our family.
As you might have read on the web site, John Decarlo, our concession stand owner is in the hospital with cancer. Please send cards and keep him in your prayers. The address is on the web site. They will not be back this year but we did get another company to run our concession stand. They are very excited and have a great breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack menu. They are also bringing a freezer so they can sell ice cream during the summer. They will be open at our practice on the 26th to give you a "taste" of what the season will bring.
Please enjoy the next few weeks and I look forward to seeing you on the 19th.
Jill Forrester